Monday, December 05, 2005

Bring on 2006

Mentors' CEO Walden Rhines' interview in Electronic Times (posted on 2/12/05) brought out 2 interesting points in the EDA industry :

First is on the EDA industry growth which Rhines attributes mainly to developing new solutions to new problems, developing new methodologies & applying technology to different applications. With a very small growth in the number of designers and with tools and methodology in place, design companies do not tend to spend so much in purchasing that many new licenses/seats.

The second interesting point is about start-ups. Usually started by professionals from the major EDA companies/design companies when they see issues/loops in the design flow which they feel they can plug in much better than the existing tools. With the market growing more and more towards point tools and now towards an open platform, they focus on a niche issue. While they contribute a little over 20% of the market revenue, they do represent a major chunk of the EDA methodologies mindshare. And excepting a few of them who have a solid business plan in addition to the strong technology base, most get acquired by the major EDA companies - and spur their growth.

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